Friendship is always best medicine to cure your inner wounds. Why do we need friends? Simple answer is friend is the only individual who can give you guidance without fee. Sometime friends make your fun, pull your leg its important to build heathy relation. One should always take all up and downs in frendship sportly. Else taking personal will ruin your own inner peace. How the friends will remain longer in your life? No friends will never belong to you till end, but their trust, blessings and must important faith that drive you all in unity is always remain with you. As per overall interaction or conversation in complete life every individual has limited span of respective friends. Generally one always get like minded friends. The tendency of human being is tend to link with the behaviour of one's choice. In friendship every individual is always having unique quality that differ from one to another. This quality making is key role in friendship bonding rentlessly. Further if one develops good wrapo with with each ither these friends is becoming vital in your life. Here the most important factor is understaning and trust. Many times friendship ruined due to misunderstanding and untrust. Betryal is one of the worst factor till to date which ruined millions of friendships. Whenever the opportunity came in one's life to meet new person thay time in mind something is clicked, he/she will be good friend of mine. Else threre are severals companions daily making conversations and meeting each other but never became friends. The reason behind this the time span one needs to contribute for creating bond are not available with them. So the overall dry and fake sympathy snd all those heavy rare dictionary loaded words of expressions came into picture to describe the relation. Anyhow every individual is must having good friend since childhood, school, college or at workplace. Everytime the tenure spends with different friends with differnt mind sets gives you the great experiences of life with respect yo their culcture, behaviour and most important their humble reaction. Mostly egoisyic human beings always having less ftiends due to their own personal problems. Nowadays in the era of globalizaion so many people are moving grom their home place to other regions because of education, carrer and jobs. This cosmoplitian culture giving immense opportunities to deal with the hell number of people of different mind sets, cultures, region and educational background. If you are lucky to meet right one to celebrate your time then your are living in a great envirounment else you are always in mode of blaming the others and living arid life. The most crucial period of individual in carrer or education is respective bad patch. At that time only friends after your family members are acting as key role in terms of support. Your ups and downs are mostly observed by them very critically. So tgey can give you the best advices, opinions. Else one need to consult to paid counsellor. Here the gimic of your problem the friend is usually give you the excellent way to get rid of from the situation of inspiration to face the problem. While the counsellor analyses the situations and telss you to do's and don't list of things. On ther other hand friend gives you iternal support which will make a great catalytic element to recover from the situation. Today we are surrounded by tremendous hyper scio eco political envirounment. Here if you have good company of people tgen you are on track else that company will decide your future.
I really thankful to those who I met till to date who gives me inspiration, creative thoughts, conceive to do good things.
24 May 2019
टिप्पणी पोस्ट करा